In-person voting is encouraged by new bill. | Stock image
In-person voting is encouraged by new bill. | Stock image
Iowa State Senate Bill, House File 2486, is investigating topics related to state election laws, Raccoon Valley Radio reported.
The bill would increase voter ID requirements and also would prevent the Secretary of State from making any changes to election procedures if federal candidates are part of the ballot.
This is opposite to what Guthrie County Auditor, Dani Fink, has been advocating for.
Following Guthrie County’s record turnout, Fink said that mail-in ballots were greatly desired. She believes that continuing to offer absentee ballots would be helpful to voters, given the popularity of this mode of voting, especially in this time of pandemic.
“I feel like with the state that we were in, coming into the primary and the fact that we were able to do things the way that we were and it ended up being successful, I think it’s a good option to just try and do it that way,” Fink said.